Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Count Down is ON! Khans

The count down is on! With Khans of Tarkir just around the corner, and all the other stores are gearing up for an exciting pre-release. As players though we have something else to think about. We only have one month’s worth of FNMs before our favorite cards from Ravnica and 2014 rotate out. Think back to all those wonderful ideas you had about cards when they were first spoiled, now is your last chance to share them. Today I am highlighting some mostly forgotten cards and interactions in hopes many players will show off their creativity and remember what it’s like to put a deck together strictly because it’s fun.

I started this article with a quick gatherer search of what is rotating. I decided to start with the highest converted mana costs and work my way down. With that in mind I would like to kick this off with the beautiful interactions available with Enter the Infinite. Blast of Genius and Riddle of Lightning allow for some ridiculous damage output. Add Worldspine Wurm for some more high CMC cards to throw at your opponent. I also am reminded of a deck ramping with Zhur-Taa Ancient into Borborygmos Enraged, Enter the Infinite, and Clan Defiance.
With some sense of irony I will address Dismiss into Dream which as with many cards mentioned here were quickly dismissed after release. There are a fair amount of cards that target opponent’s creatures and a quick ramp build could support the cost. Bow of Nylea, Izzet Staticaster, and Polukranos, World Eater are the first to come to mind. Kiora’s Follower helps you get there and then turns to killing off your opponent’s dudes.
Garruk’s Horde plays nice with Courser of Kruphix in today’s red green monster variants. While we’re at it, lets not forget that Aurelia, the Warleader has an amusing relationship with Felhide Spiritbinder when you have enough mana dorks in play. Master of Cruelties in tandem with cards like Razortip Whip all supported by so counterspells and removal can actually steal a fair amount of matches out of sheer surprise.
Pontiff of the Blight was one of my favorites that never was. Now with Chord of Calling and many mana dorks it may just have a chance. Dork spam > chord out the pontiff > untap > cast a dork and extort like crazy. On a similar note who can forget Sphinx of the Chimes discarding all the Shadowborn Apostles you can get your hands on.
We might not have Knowledge Pool to work with, but we do have Possibility Storm. Add an Eidolon of Rhetoric to the equation and no one will be able to cast spells or mill out. Laugh as no one can win unless their is a clear boardstate advantage. Another amusing one is an old favorite of mine; Ajani’s Chosen with Mana Bloom for all the kitties. Whispering Madness and Notion Thief generate an overwhelming advantage as well if they get set up.
How can anyone forget about Master Biomancer? Master of Waves, Kalonian Hydra, Prime Speaker Zegana, Raise the Alarm, and so many other cards get so gross with him in play. Ogre Battle Driver has a similar yet more aggressive approach. Of course there are many more wonderful cards that did not receive a highlight here. Take a moment and do your own search through your boxes or on the web. Dust off your wildest dreams and let them live out these last few weeks. Lastly please share all your crazy ideas with us here at

1 comment:

  1. Illusonist bracer 2 kiora's follower combo for unlimited untap or ral zarek xenagos chain veil unlimited untap combo/inidinite pw activations as long as 4 or more creaturs in play
