Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Week Late and a Marvel Short (RSC Trial Top 8 Decklists)

Last weekend was Phoenix Fire's RSC Trial. Today, we wanted to bring you the top eight decklists from our event and share a few photos from the elimination rounds.

I've tried to order these based on placing to give you a feel for how the decks fared after the break to top eight, as well as a few photos from the single elimination rounds. First, our top 8:

1: Tim Z U/R Control:

4x Censor
2x Negate
9x Island

2x Negate
2x Dispel

Tim Z weighing his options.

2: Ryan Bowyer U/R Control:

4x Censor
2x Negate
11x Island

2x Dispel
1x Negate

 Ryan doing what UR players do, tap and untap lands. A LOT.

3. Temur Marvel, Unknown Pilot:

1x Negate
3x Censor
5x Forest
2x Island

2x Dispel
1x Negate

Dear unknown pilot of Marvel,

I am sorry I don't have your name. Please put your name on your deck registration sheet next time so we can get you the love you deserve!! :) 

4. B/W Zombies Tucker Deines

12x Swamp
5x Plains


A zombie player is a man after my own heart.

5. GB Energy Tim Allen

5x Forest
4x Swamp


I magically missed a good photo of Tim Allen.
Sorry buddy!

6. Temur Marvel Luke Dale

3x Censor
1x Negate
5x Forest
1x Island

1x Negate
2x Dispel

I first met Luke when he started playing MTG competitively. Congrats on the top 8 Luke! It's great to see your progress!

7. Jund Gods Nathan Schreiner

4x Forest
1x Swamp


Nathan in the tank playing Jund. A ton of options available!

8. RW Exert Zeb Olsen

9x Plains

4x Shock
 Zeb Olsen, leading a charge with R/W Exert.

This was a great event! We are grateful to all of our participants and would like to congratulate Tim Zaleski on a big trial win. Good luck in the next set of trials!

Happy Battles, 

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