Saturday, April 30. International Tabletop Day. I am entrenched in my usual weekend location, Phoenix Fire Games in Meridian Idaho. The store is well stocked with games ranging from old and grizzled to pre-kickstarter beta tests and there are events running from open to close. Since I happen to be here I thought I would share my experiences with you.
Game 1: Pass-A-Fist
Game 2: Onitama
I always have trouble drawing comparisons with abstract games like Onitama. It always
seems to default to chess. Well. Onitama is a little like chess. Each player has 5 pawns, one is the big-daddy pawn and moving into an opposing pawn's square captures that pawn. Don't write it off immediately if you aren't a chess player. Rather than each pawn having a move there is a deck of cards with move templates printed on them. Each player gets two at the start of the game and then a fifth is dealt out. Once a player uses a move on his card he passes it to his opponent and takes whichever one is in the middle. It's a nice looking, quick, thoughtful game. I liked scanning the board for potential moves and danger zones, but I don't seem to be very good at it. I got wrecked. Twice. The box gets a big thumbs up for managing it's space extremely well, unlike some other games out there. I'm looking at you Splendor. If you enjoy games like Mod-X or Abalone (sigh, or chess) you will want to give Onitama a look.
Game 3: Snow Tails
Once again International Tabletop Day in the Treasure Valley was a fun, sucessful day that saw people unplugging from their electronics to sit in the presence of others and have some fun. Everyone I talked to was enjoying themselves and the energy in the store was overwhelmingly positive. If you missed it this year keep your eye out for next year to get in on all the opportunities it offers to enjoy yourself.
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