Dragonlord's Reaper - 5BB
Creature - Dragon
When Dragonlord's Reaper enters the battlefield, if you cast it from your hand and there are five or more other creatures on the battlefield, destroy all other creatures.
EDH players will no doubt make great use of this, but aside from a really dedicated control deck I doubt it will see much standard play.
Perhaps the biggest shocker is that it seems Dragons of Tarkir will have some sort of dragon theme to it. I hope this theme doesn't detract from the constructed play ability of the set. Once again we get legendary creatures who are the same but with different names and can therefore be played side by side. Despite this flavor mishap I'm actually more concerned that Dragonlord Silumgar gave up his hexproof ability that made him so good before. Dragon Tempest could make some janky changeling deck a bit better in modern.Rebound has returned! This was a wonderful mechanic originally printed in Rise of the Eldrazi that did see a lot of standard play despite how few cards it was printed on. Neither of these spells are much for constructed players to get exited about, but they do herald the possibility of things comparable to Distortion Strike, Emerge Unscathed, and Staggershock.
Bolster and Dash both make a return on equally draft worthy commons.
Exploit seems interesting. Devour was good in the past when combined with powerful triggered abilities and it seems that is exactly what they are giving us with these new Exploit cards.
Formidable seems like an interesting mechanic. Mono green splash X has been a thing for some time now and this mechanic is sure to find it's way into lists. The mere fact a card of this power level with the mechanic is being printed at common bodes very well for the rare and possibly mythic representations of it.
Megamorph... Someone let a Timmy into the design team. I am not a fan of the morph mechanic and I was honestly hoping manifest would be the last variation of it. That being said, Stratus Dancer makes the Mastery of the Unseen control deck seem very good. If you are unfamiliar with the deck, it is basically draw card, counter spells, and kill spells and you use end of turn manifests to overwhelm your opponent.
That's it for today but we will keep bringing them to you as they come out. Thank you as always for joining us at Wizardden.com
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