Monday, June 30, 2014

Check out a new archetype that could shake up standard a bit!

Hey everybody, I'm sure we're all getting excited over M15 release coming up soon but today I'd like to talk about a new deck that's been popping it's head up here and there. It showed up a few weeks back at a local game store here in Boise and a fellow Planeswalker friend of mine, Matt Petro, went undefeated there with B/G Constellation:

Lands: 24

4 Temple of Malady
4 Overgrown Tomb
2 Temple of Abandon
1 Blood Crypt
1 Stomping Ground
7 Forest
3 Swamp
2 Mutavault

4 Eidolon of Blossom
4 Doomwake Giant
4 Courser of Kruphix
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Brain Maggot

Spells: 16
2 Golgari Charm
3 Abrupt Decay
1 Doom Blade
1 Bile Blight
3 Hero's Downfall
2 Primeval Bounty
4 Mana Bloom

Before I get into this, the mana base is splashing red for some sideboard tech including Rakdos's Return, Slaughter Games and Sire of Insanity.

This deck uses the Constellation mechanic to fuel their hand with Eidolon of Blossom, keep opponent's creatures in check with Doomwake Giant, and protects itself with powerful removal in the forms of Abrupt Decay, Golgari Charm, Hero's Downfall and others. This deck looks like a lot of fun and it seems like it can be fairly consistent with all of the creatures at 4 each. It's got versatility in the spells and can be molded to your liking easily. One of the coolest features of this deck is in Mana Bloom. Basically, it can accelerate you into Doomwake Giants or Primeval Bounty while providing a recyclable Constellation trigger each turn. Mana Bloom really helps Doomwake Giant pick off 3 or 4 toughness creatures with ease, not to mention, it completely shuts down Elspeth! While your Giants are taking care of the ground work, Courser of Kruphix is sculpting your draws and healing your precious life points while clogging up attackers along side Sylvan Caryatid. Brain Maggots are taking care of any threats they might have while they waste their removal on him to get it back, and Eidolon of Blossom just keeps it coming.

All in all, this deck could be a powerhouse. We've already seen Junk constellation perform well at Pro Tour Journey into Nyx which was Theros Block Constructed so there's a good chance it could turn out to be just as good after rotation. The only difference is that we'll have access to M15 and Khans of Tarkir for Standard. Depending on what we get in those sets, it could drastically change what the meta looked like at the Pro Tour or it could not. Until then though, we know that this archetype works fairly well and with some tweaking could turn into a Tier-1 deck.

I personally think that the deck would be better off with a splash of white instead of red for access to cards like Banishing Light, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Aegis of the Gods, Blind Obedience and Eidolon of Countless Battles. Not that you'd use all of that in the main board, but that you have access to it. All red is providing here is sideboard hate against control which is fine, but Golgari Charm, Thoughtseize and Duress are probably enough. I also think this deck could use some Extinguish All Hope in the sideboard for bigger mid-range decks since every creature in the deck except for Sylvan Caryatid is an enchantment and by the time you can cast Extinguish and take out a good chunk of their big guys, it's probably worth losing a mana dork for it.

Well there you have it guys. Feel free to experiment on this awesome deck and let me know what you think of it in the comments below!


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