Lets talk Khans limited.
Wizardden.com has seen growing numbers of drafters even well after the set's release. There is just so much to do! Khans limited offers so many different options and today we are going to look at what those options are. This is not a look at pick orders or pack reading, today's article is strictly on what strategies we have seen do decent over this last month.
I like big butts, especially when they fly.
This was one of the first strategies we took seriously. The plan is simple, play lots of low cost creatures with high toughness and then whittle down your opponent with flying creatures. This does a really good job against more aggressive strategies, but has some issues against the large beats backed up by spells that nullify blocks. The absolute best cards in this strategy I would say are
Archer's Parapet and
Abomination of Gudul. The
Parapet ticks their life down each and every turn possibly as early as turn three.
Abomination of Gudul has favorable combat against most other fliers and the added loot ability does wonders for your mid and late game draws.
The morphing pot.
What's white, blue, black, red, and green and don't care what colors you use to play them? Morphs! They come in all sizes and colors. Many pros such as Ari Lax have mentioned an approach to Khans drafts that is quite different than drafting other sets. You are drafting five colors until something says otherwise. Morphs and multicolor lands have allowed for very effective five color decks in limited. Combine this with cards like
Ghostfire Blade,
Secret Plans, and
Trail of Mystery and to the morpher goes the spoils.
I can has all the bombs?
Very similar to the excessive morph strategy a heavy supply of multicolor lands can let you play virtually every good bomb that comes to you. In order to make either of these two ideas really work the drafter will have to commit to picking a lot of lands very early on and then leave the more powerful picks for later packs as other drafters are attempting to round out their curves and mana bases. Both of these are very well rounded for longer games, but can suffer against the most aggressive decks if the life gain lands don't make up for the loss of life.
Turn dudes sideways.
This was the very first strategy we thought would succeed. Based largely in Mardu, but also accessible in Temur or Abzan this is the aggro plan. Keep your cost low and your attacks hard and fast. Pumps and synergy are key here. Warrior tribal, cards like
Trumpet Blast, and aggressively costed Temur beats are what you want to watch for in your early packs if this is the way you want to go. If this is your plan make sure you have a plan for getting through the big walls that will be played against you. Cards like
Barrage of Boulders,
Roar of Challenge, and
Temur Charm are great for breaking through those last points of damage.
There can only be one or two.
This is actually the newest plan I have seen springing up. The idea is to play between 10 and 14 threats and fill the rest of your deck with draw card and removal. This is a very ballsy draft plan that is only possible if you can early pick lots of removal and at least a couple really evasive or durable creatures. So far it seems this strategy is more confined to three colors as your low amount of board presence is much less forgiving against early aggression.
Master the Way has been my favorite card when building this since it draws a card, is removal, and can finish off your opponent.
It's better when they're dead.
Last but not least lets take a close look at delve. This does not mean draft all the cards with delve as your graveyard will end up empty and your hand full of high cost spells. To make this really work you will want to stock your deck with cards like
Scout the Borders and
Taigam's Scheming that grant you card advantage and a graveyard to work with. Choose your devles wisely, each one needs to make a major swing in your board favor when played early.
Shambling Attendants,
Murderous Cut, and
Sultai Scavenger are at the top of the list of commons and uncommons to pick. This can be a little slow depending on your early draws but does a great job beating through the more defensive strategies before they can stabilize.
These are only the plans we have seen do well, there are of course many others out there. Thank you for joining us again at Wizardden.com, this has been Ariel Adamson from Rogue T3ch.