Monday, March 30, 2015

Dragons standard and you!

This past weekend Dragons of Tarkir became standard legal and with it came an SCG invitational showcasing the new cards and archetypes that you're sure to play with and against in the coming weeks. Abzan and mono-red aggro were among those to top 8, but, those decks need no explanation so let's look at some of the more interesting decks that came out this weekend but didn't quite make the cut to top 8.

Esper Control
A Standard Magic deck, by Shaheen Soorani
12th place at a tournament in RichmondVirginiaUnited States on 2015-03-27
As reported at


Dig Through Time
Hero's Downfall
Silumgar's Scorn
Ultimate Price
Utter End

Legendary Creatures
Dragonlord Ojutai
Silumgar, the Drifting Death

Narset Transcendent

Crux of Fate

Basic Lands
4 Island
2 Swamp

Caves of Koilos
Polluted Delta
Radiant Fountain
Temple of Deceit
Temple of Enlightenment
Temple of Silence

Legendary Lands
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Pearl Lake Ancient
Stratus Dancer
Encase in Ice
Virulent Plague
Ojutai's Command
Dragonlord Silumgar
Drown in Sorrow

Blue/Black control has been a pillar of this standard environment for a while now but with the printing of Narset it gives U/B players a major incentive for the splash of white. Any of you who watched coverage of this list being played know that rebounding dig through time is absurd and rebounding wrath/removal/draw spells is pretty unreasonable. During the deck tech, Shaheen stated that the U/B control decks weren't "Good" decks but just performed well but this on the other hand, plays well and actually feels like a "good" deck. If you played U/B control for any amount of time you can understand what he means. With that being said, it looks like this is the beginning of control coming back into standard and people like me (Who are tired of endless midrange mirror matches) can and will struggle to contain our excitement.

U/R Dragons
A Standard Magic deck, by Jeff Hoogland
15th place at a tournament in RichmondVirginiaUnited States on 2015-03-27
As reported at


Flamewake Phoenix
Icefall Regent
Stormbreath Dragon
Thunderbreak Regent

Dig Through Time
Lightning Strike
Silumgar's Scorn
Stubborn Denial
Wild Slash

Crater's Claws

Basic Lands
3 Island
3 Mountain

Bloodstained Mire
Flooded Strand
Haven of the Spirit Dragon
Polluted Delta
Shivan Reef
Swiftwater Cliffs
Temple of Epiphany
Wooded Foothills

Stormbreath Dragon
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonlord's Prerogative
Twin Bolt
Anger of the Gods
Haven of the Spirit Dragon

Now this is the type of deck they drew up in R&D. U/R Dragons was the single most talked about deck at the shop this past weekend. Counter-Burn is a super fun archetype to play and being able to top it off with powerful dragons? Nothing sounds more Rad than that. Now, the deck had a respectable finish for sure, but, given the popularity I would recommend you be prepared to play against similar lists in the coming weeks, even more so than esper or U/B. People like casting dragons and countering spells, I can't blame them. Sounds awesome.

G/R Dragons
By Seth Manfield

Ashcloud Phoenix
Boon Satyr
Elvish Mystic
Goblin Rabblemaster
Rattleclaw Mystic
Stormbreath Dragon
Thunderbreak Regent
Creatures [24]
Atarka's Command
Crater's Claws
Draconic Roar
Stoke the Flames
Spells [14]
Mana Confluence
Temple of Abandon
Wooded Foothills

Here we have another one of those "Drew it up in R&D" Decks. I recall watching this deck on coverage but was unable to find the exact 75 Seth sleeved up for the weekend but this is a similar list that he posted in an article recently. This dragons deck utilizes Draconic Roar and in coverage it was played with or revealing a dragon 100% of the time and this list plays less than dragons than the U/R while the U/R had none in the 75. I forsee this changing. I expect to see this deck adapt into devotion adding the new Atarka and the U/R running roar over strike and both will be better for the changes.

Now let's take things a little more close to home with the deck that went undefeated for our first Dragons of Tarkir Friday Night Magic.

Mono-Black Aggro
By, Christian Rasmussen

4 Bloodsoaked Champion
4 Gnarled Scarhide
3 Mardu Shadowspear
4 Tormented Hero
4 Pain Seer
4 Mogis's Marauder
3 Pitiless Horde

4 Foul-Tongue Shriek
4 Bile Blight
2 Hero's Downfall
2 Ultimate Price

4 Bloodstained Mire
2 Polluted Delta
16 Swamp

4 Duress
2 Dark Betrayal
2 Self-Inflicted Wound
4 Herald of Torment
3 Brutal Hordechief

Christian's been known for running suicide black decks in the previous standard format to great success when we had access to rakdos cackler and the like. The break out card to bring him back to the archetype being foul-tongue shriek. This is a card that's seen absolutely no love in any set reviews but closed out 99% of his games this past Friday. Moving to combat with three 2/1 creatures into unfavorable blockers seems loose, but, most times it is followed by 1-2 shrieks draining from 3-6 life. The card acts as a black lightning helix of better for 1 black mana. That is absurd. Also, with the growing number of people playing G/W or other G devotion strategies, Mogis's marauder allows for huge unblockable life swings. Even against decks like Abzan who uses numerous black creatures, most of the time the only creature able to block is one siege rhino or tasigur allowing 4-8 damage through their coursers and fleecemane lions and the aggro deck only losing one attacker in the process. Back that up with foul-tongue shriek and you have a lethal attack on turns 4-6 most of the time. The deck has over performed and I felt I had to share the list with you so you can prepare for the archetype should it gain popularity.

These were the three decks I wanted to share with you as they are in my eyes the most interesting. Had this tournament been only standard, the top 8 may have shown more of these lists. Hopefully people take these and run with them. With the Idaho state championship this weekend, I honestly hope we see some dragons in the top 8 or taking home the check.

Thanks for reading,
Until next time.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease Primer (pt. 2)

Hey guys thanks for checking out part two of the Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease primer. Today I have the red, green and multi-colored cards from the set. Let's dive right in!!!

Red Uncommon

1: Roast
Even at sorcery speed this card is pretty house in limited. Being able to kill pretty much every creature in this format is a very good card. Giving this to the red players who got a slew of good cards in this set is a little frightening to me as those decks are getting something they have been missing in efficient removal.

2: Dragonic Roar
Another excellent removal spell for red. It won't be often that you get to hit your opponent for three but that doesn't matter because as a two cost removal spell at instant speed it is good enough on its own.

3: Qal Sisma Behemoth
I'm a big fan of the aggressive red deck that seems to exist in the new limited format. This guy lets you go really big, really fast. I think that this is going to be a huge player in this environment. If you have a deck with some solid two drops your turn four plays are going to be outright disgusting.

4: Atarka Pummeler
The Formidable ability tacked onto this guy is really strong. Being able to make bad blocks happen is something that will come up often as this guy comes stock with half of the ability on his own. if you have something like a Summit Prowler in play this guy is just insane.

5: Warbringer
This guy is just okay in my book. It's not often you'll have a complete dash deck. When you do he'll be really good. But even with only 3-4 other good dash creatures he is a powerful addition to the crew. Even when you aren't using him to pump other dash creatures into play you can still dash him for 3 damage on turn three and have a 3/3 when you need one.

Red is a pretty strong color but I personally feel its uncommons are somewhere in the middle of the pack in comparison to the rest of the set. When paired with black or white it can be a nightmare but I think it is RG that has me most interested in this color combination.

Red Commons

1: Tail Slash
I am wrestling with this decision even as I'm writing this and I've had my lists made for like three and a half days now. There are a ton of commons that are really close. This card along with Twin Bolt, Summit Prowler and Hardened Berserker are all really strong cards. I'm 99% sure as I am writing this that this is more like the fourth or fifth best common but hey, no turning back now.

2: Summit Prowler
"Wha?!?!?!?! Is this guy crazy?" Yeah. I am. Big whoop wanna fight about it? In all seriousness though, this card is way better now than it was in Khans. This formidable mechanic has a change to be the real deal and this guy helps promote that. I mention in the uncommons I really like GR and it is because of formidable that this is true. Games go long and being able to keep the board at parity while you are gaining some form of advantage is going to be really good. Plus a 4/3 for four mana really isn't a terrible rate in limited.

3: Hardened Berserker
Speaking of the formidable deck, this guy is quite formidable himself. He has the ability to ramp you into a pretty big threat on turn four which is pretty good time to get a huge threat on board. I think this guy is going to make some pretty gross things this weekend and I am hopeful they are on my side of the table.

4: Twin Bolt
This card seems underwhelming but it kills a morph for two at instant speed. Did I morph?? I meant super, mighty, megamorph. That's just about as real as it gets.

5: Volcanic Rush
Giving your team trample while on the offensive at instant speed is really good. You have the ability to completely steal a game as your opponent will usually be oblivious to this trick, at least the first time.

6: Sarkhan's Rage
It does cost five but it's fairly efficient removal that serves a dual purpose of going to your opponents dome. I'm kind of reminded of Arrow Storm but this card is much better as it is less prohibitive in cost, is an instant and it doesn't require raid to hit for five damage.

7: Kolaghan Aspirant
This guy isn't great but I am a fan of two drops and red is definitely an aggressive color in Dragons of Tarkir so the fact he can trade up to any of the 2/3's running around makes me happy to play him.

8: Screamreach Brawler
I am a fan of a guy who beats megamorph and this guy does just that. You can generally hit for a sizable amount of damage throughout a game and this can contribute to that or close out a game in the right board state, I like a card with that kind of versatility.

Red seems like a pretty strong color. I don't think it is the strongest color in the set but it certainly has the ability to contribute to some of the more powerful decks that will exist in the format in R/X aggressive decks and RG formidable.

Off to the last of the colors and what I will finally say is my favorite both in terms of the rares and the commons and uncommons that fill out your deck: Green. We'll start with the uncommon cards which are pretty exciting in my opinion.

1: Salt Road Ambushers
This guy is the king of the manisfests and megamorphs. He gives you a huge advantage whenever you flip a creature in that you will rule the battlefield. Your megamorphs will end up getting three +1/+1 counters while whatever you might manifest ends up being a giant beat stick as well.

2: Salt Road Quartermasters
The Salt Road Squad is pretty good it seems. I've been a fan of these types of cards ever since I first cast Spike Feeder in Living End. The fact he enters with the counters turns on the few gets x effect if it has a +1/+1 counter which is pretty cool.

3: Circle of the Elders
I really like the formidable mechanic. In some cases this guy can just be a win more in that you will probably be ahead on board if you have 8 power out. When the board is stalled though, this guy enables you to easily play two spells a turn which is pretty good thing to be doing in limited I hear.

4: Press the Advantage
This card is going to win someone a game, maybe even a few games at the prerelease this weekend. You can just demolish your opponent by adding four power of trample damage. This is a very easy way to win a game in that if you don't kill your opponent with the attack, there is a good chance you solidified your win by wiping out their defenses to punch the last few points of damage

5: Dromoka's Gift
This gift is quite a gift in combat or as a way to stay mana efficient. I just want to cast this with a Typhoid Rats on board. Better yet, any of the efficient blue or white flying creatures in the format.

Green has some pretty overwhelming uncommons and I'll say in advance the commons aren't lacking in power either.

1: Epic Confrontation
This is a pretty powerful spell. In comparison to Hunt the Weak, a very powerful green card, this is just a mile better. You don't get the counter but you are pretty much guaranteed to beat the creature in the fight and still get through. Savage Punch required that you already have a large creature in play to get the best value making it better in the mid to late game whereas this will be good in those stages as well as an early way to clear a creature that is generally problematic when played early.

2: Servant of the Scale
I really like the fact that this guy provides some help on his way out of the battlefield. What I like even more though is that bolster exists. This guy can easily pick up a few counters and become a terrible conundrum for your opponent as if they kill him they have to kill your whole board first or risk having another problem creature, or he becomes a 2/2 or 3/3 that can halt or lead an offense.

3: Aerie Bowmasters
This guy is good for the same reasons as Summit Prowler in that he is a good sized body at a reasonable rate. This guy definitely next levels the Prowler in that he has reach and can megamorph to shoot down a flier in combat.

4: Collosodon Yearling
That is one sexy beast. A 2/4 is a great body for three mana that while it won't be winning you the game by itself generally, it will be making sure you get to cast your spells that will and that is just gravy.

5: Stampeding Elk Herd
A 5/5 for five is a really good rate on a creature and the fact that it takes almost nothing to give him trample makes this herd of elk a great addition to any deck that is using green.

6: Glade Watcher
If you really want a card that will over-perform for its mana cost look no further. You can get some pretty gross starts with this guy involved. You certainly won't be dying in the early game either as this guy blocks profitably all the way up to the four spot which is a good thing to have in your two drop.

7: Guardian Shield-Bearer
This guy is a pretty good way to curve out without investing a ton of creatures. He is a little awkward in that you'll be drafting him in the three spot but he isn't as good as the larger morphs when it comes to that aspect. The way Shield-Bearer gets good is having some other form of a two drop to get the 2-3-4 trifecta.

8: Atarka Beastbreaker
This is a pretty good two drop to go with the Shield-Bearer. when the game goes late he isn't a bad top deck either. I really like cards with late game potential and this guy has a ton of it.

Green is in my opinion the strongest color with black coming in a close second. The two colors do play well together as well even though the set doesn't push you into those colors.

The multicolored cards are actually pretty few and far between. There are five uncommon dragons, one for each of the allied colors. Of these I feel as thought the strongest of the dragons is either Enduring Scalelord or Cunning Breezedancer. With the exception of Swift Warkite all of these dragons rely on not being killed to get effect and your opponent is well aware of the fact that this set is called Dragons of Tarkir. So there is a good chance they will have some form of answer for any of the dragons in this cycle. Be weary when casting these as though they are certainly powerful they are not invincible and can easily turn into a huge tempo play if your opponent can kill it the same turn it was cast.

Thanks for the read and I hope this information sends you to the skies at your prerelease this weekend. I am really excited to play with this set as it appears to be more powerful than Khans of Tarkir and I hope that you are too!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Judge's Den: Dragons of Tarkir

Spoilers are done, now it's time for the new set. This means it is time to return to the Judge's Den series here at Today we are taking a look at the new mechanics and a few things to keep in mind when playing with the new cards.

Dash and Bolster both make an appearance in this set. Neither have anything super complicated about them in the set though.
 Rebound also makes a return, but it has been years since we last saw it so it is worth breaking down. The concept is very simple, as the spell resolves (yes it has to successfully resolve in order to rebound) it is put into exile as part of it's effect. Then at the beginning of your next upkeep you may cast the spell again, if you do not (perhaps there is no legal target) the spell will stay in exile for the rest of the game. Keep in mind that spell only rebound if you cast them from your hand.
Exploit is a brand new mechanic that gives you the option to sacrifice a creature for some benefit. It is worth noting that you will indeed get the benefit even if you sacrifice the creature with exploit. When playing with exploit remember that you do not make your choice of what to sacrifice if anything until the ability resolves so wait for your opponent to respond before making a choice.
Formidable also makes its debut in Dragons. The concept is simple, if your creatures total eight power or more then you get the bonus. This is one of the instances where negative numbers matter greatly. If one of your creatures has -8 power for whatever reason your other creatures would have to total 16 power in order to bring your total up to the necessary 8 for formidable. Some abilities only require eight power in order to activate the. Others have an "if" in them that will require you have eight both when they trigger and in order to resolve.
Megamorph is kinda new. It is basically just morph but the creature will flip up with an additional +1/+1 counter placed on it as part of the special action of flipping them face up for their megamorph cost.
Dragon's brought us a new cycle of commands. These are spells with four modes that allow two to be used when they are cast. There are two main things I want to highlight about them. First, a spell whose targets become invalid is countered. So if you choose to return a creature from your graveyard and gain 4 life with Ojutai's Command for example, and the your opponent removes that creature from your graveyard before your spell resolves you will not get any of the effects because it's only target was made invalid. The second thing I want to highlight is that if you copy a command that has been cast you will have to use the same modes that were chosen on the original spell.
Gate Smasher can try to equip to any creature but will only become and stay equipped to a creatures whose's toughness stays four or greater.
There are of course many other new interactions, but the rest are all pretty simple to work with. This has been Ariel with

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

All you need to know for PreRelease at WizardDen! Door prizes, schedule ect!

Dragon's of Tarkir is upon us, and it couldn't have come sooner. With full-set pre-orders up, that means its just about time for prerelease! Our discounted box and case prices will hold until midnight March 22nd.

Like every pre-release at Wizardden we will be giving away raffled door prizes, all paid entries into the prerelease are eligible. This prerelease is looking as sweet as ever with FTV: Annihilation, Elspeth vs Kiora and Jace vs Varaska dual decks! Not to mention booster packs, sleeves, binders and deck boxes.

The Full Schedule: (all $21 entry sealed)

Friday March 20th 11:59pm
Saturday March 21st, Noon
Saturday March 21st 7pm
Saturday March 21st 11:59pm
Sunday March 22nd, Noon (two headed giant)
Sunday March 22nd, 5pm

Can't wait to see you all!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease Primer (Pt.1)

Hey everyone! Josh here with to give you my two cents on the prerelease that is coming up this weekend. Before I burst I have to say I am really excited about this sets release. That being said I am also terrified as I have become accustomed to the awesome limited format that has been Fate Reforged and Khans of Tarkir.

Overall, I feel as though Wizards of the Coast did a great job giving Dragons of Tarkir a similar play style to Khans of Tarkir which really brings the time travel story to life. If you look closely you can tell there are cards that are essentially the same as what we had in Khans of Tarkir such as Center Soul and Feat of Resistance or Throttle and it's big brother Flatten. The adjustments that were made to these cards has raised my curiosity as to what this could mean for limited play. Could it be that the need for removal increases greatly due to the powerful dragons? Or could it be they wanted things to simply feel more powerful now that the dragons are in charge? My personal opinion is a little bit of both while leaning more towards the first question. I believe the dragons are very powerful limited cards and as they claimed, there are a ton of dragons. This means you will have a dragon, but don't get too excited because your opponent will most likely have one or two as well. This means removal is a very needed part of a deck in order to function properly and get to a stage in the game where you can gain control of the board.

I'd like to bring you three colors displaying what I believe are the best commons and uncommons. I'll show what are my top 5 uncommons and top 8 commons. This isn't a draft pick order but it is a compilation of the cards I would be very happy to see in my deck Friday at midnight.

I'll start with the White Uncommons:
1: Strongarm Monk
I really like this guy. I know what your're thinking, "he needs another card to be good..." I get it. Really, I do. But think about this for a second. Mid combat on your turn, you've attacked with this guy and two morphs, your opponent casts (insert removal spell here) on your Strongarm. You respond with anything from a counterspell, a removal spell, a pump spell or any of the really good instants found in Dragons of Tarkir or Fate Reforged and I promise you are going to have a really good time. Another potential number one that in my mind doesn't make my top 5 is Dromoka Captain. This card has a very powerful effect allowing you to bolster 1 whenever he attacks. Using this effect you are able to grow your creature into a 2/2 creature with first strike. While this is a good effect it is very easy for your opponent to thwart this plan by playing any of the 3/3's running around or playing any of the plentiful removal that is in the format. I will most likely be proven wrong but I will only be casting this guy as my 22nd or 23rd card in my deck.

2: Scale Blessing
This card requires you to be in a specific deck that wants to be megamorphing or bolstering often but it is a true house in that deck. This card can create very large blowouts and at it's worst it's still a slightly worse dragonscale boon. I think this will be similar to War Flare or Rush of Battle in that it will close out games given the right scenario.

3: Echoes of the Kin Tree
The first thing that comes to my mind when I look at this card is Mastery of the Unseen. I know it won't take over a game in a way as vicious as the Mastery can but over time this enchantment will create a ton of advantage it will be very hard for your opponent to defeat. If you can get the game to go long and they do not have an answer to this card you will easily grow your board above the stall and come out on top.

4: Great Teachers Decree
Did I say that Scale Blessing was like Rush of Battle? I meant this thing is. Oh, and you can cast this twice for the same cost as one of those Rush of Battle that maybe gained you 4-8 life...

5:  Silkwrap
While it is "situational" removal it will clear out a morph from the board and slow the hyper-aggressive decks. (that I assure you will exist in at least the draft half of limited)

Top 8 White Commons
1: Pacifism
It's back and still really good. It is efficient pseudo-removal that requires a narrow card type to remove it. That being said I believe we will be seeing a lot more Return to the Earth in the coming months. From the powerful enchantments like Pacifism to the powerful flying dragons, Return to the Earth will do the job.

2: Lightwalker
While not overwhelmingly powerful, this card is a very cheap creature that has an easily attainable upside. Evasion is  a very powerful upside that makes this 2/1 for two my second favorite common at this point in time.

3: Center Soul
I like this card just as much as I liked Feat of Resistance. You can save a guy from a removal spell then get him through one flight of creatures on your opponents next turn. A pretty solid card and one I'm happy to play if I am in white.

4: Dromoka Dunecaster
I am a huge fan of tap effects in limited. I would have rated him higher if he could stop those pesky fliers. Still the ability to tap down a big guy to get to the late game is a really powerful effect that will usually draw out some form of answer from your opponent which is pretty good for a one drop.

5: Artful Maneuver
Being able to pump on defense then offense is nothing to laugh at. This is only two mana for what can essentially be +4/+4 for two which is a very strong card in limited.

6: Herald of Dromoka
The Herald wants you to be in the warriors deck which loses some of it's potency without Chief of the Edge. A 2/2 with Vigilance for two mana is still a fine card and one I am happy to play.

7: Aven Tactician
I think this guy is perfectly costed for his effect. In the right situation you can have a 3/4 flier for five mana which is about the right cost for a decent limited card. Even when he is a 2/3 he still provides some form of an advantage for your board. I would definitely play him if I were in white.

8: Enduring Victory
While this is a removal spell with upside I am still not a fan of this card in multiples. If it simply destroyed a creature and didn't require it to be involved in combat it would be my number one common on this list but it's too conditional and can often be easy to play around.

Overall I think white is a fairly strong color. I will say up front I believe there are much stronger colors in the set.

One of those colors is not blue, however. Blue has some strong effects but all are awkward in their position. I'll start with the uncommons.

1: Youthful Scholar
While you are required to have him die, you get a creature that can get in for a few points of damage or hold down the fort very well. Exploit is also a mechanic that blue and black have access to that give you some insane value when it comes time to sacrifice a creature.

2: Silumgar Sorcerer
Counter spells aren't often played in limited as it's very narrow that you gain advantage from them. Dragons is definitely changing that as you can have a 2/1 flier that flashes for three mana, already a good card, and you can opt to sacrifice oooohhhhhhh I don't know a Youthful Scholar to counter their big nasty dragon or whatever and draw two. That, my friends, is value town.

3: Silumgar Spell-Eater
Remember me saying exploit was good with counter spells?? Like, literally, five lines ago? same thing applies with megamorph apparently. This isn't the Mana Leak I hoped would be in the set but it is a pretty good effect.

4: Skywise Teachings
I really like the power of the enchantments at uncommon. While this costs four to play if your opponent can't answer it or kill you in very quick fashion, you are going to take over the game in a big way. Fate Reforged brought some really good non-creature spells into limited and Dragons of Tarkir is no slouch in that regard. It is quite possible you end up playing 8-9 non-creature spells in the deck making the teachers in the sky really wake up.

5: Void Squall
I really wish this spell cost one more mana to be an instant. Being a sorcery it is a bit rough but after giving it some thought you can gain huge advantage off of this. If your opponent has to replay their guy the next turn and again the turn after that, bouncing two guys for five mana doesn't seem that bad.

On to my top eight blue commons

1: Zephyr Scribe
I am a huge fan of looting in limited. You always find what you need, pull ahead and win, or worst case your guy eats a removal spell for you. Zephyr Scribe does all of that really and potentially several times a turn. Being able to loot in combat to find a removal or pump spell then loot again is very strong. He is only a 2/1 though. Honestly, he may not be the strongest of the blue commons but I ranked him at the one spot simply because if I am in blue I want this card no matter what whereas some of the more powerful blue commons which want to be in a specific type of deck.

2: Ojutai's Breath
This could easily be the number one blue common. Tapping creatures is quite strong. Doing it twice for two mana is even more powerful however. Limited games get to a point of parity very often. Eventually someone will play a creature that is big enough to swing and close out a game. Now you can frost tap whatever giant beast your opponent plays and get a pesky blocker as you untap. Will of the Naga is a very strong card however there are occasionally situations where you get half value from it in that you can only tap one creature as that is all your opponent has. well now you can frost tap that creature on your main phase to get through and threaten to do it again if your opponent plays another dude on their turn. The fact that it is aggressively costed at three mana makes this situation very relevant.

3: Elusive Spellfist
This guy does want to you be in a specific deck but he is quite powerful. He is great on offense or defense as he can get a pump off any non-creature spell you might play. If you are on offense this guy makes sure you are doing it right as he will be attacking without being blocked as long as you have some form of non-creature spell which both Fate Reforged and Dragons of Tarkir have an abundance of. On defense, he is comparable to Jeskai Student which as a fine limited card.

4: Palace Familiar
This guy fly's which is generally going to get some form of removal out of your opponents hand. When they do, you'll get to replace him which makes him a solid two drop.

5: Gurmag Drowner
This card is very similar to Sultai Soothsayer. He does require you to Exploit a creature to get the effect but worst case you can sacrifice him to himself in a pinch. Card selection is very strong and digging 4 cards deep means you are seeing 10% of your deck in one shot. A very good common

6: Anticipate
See my above comments about card selection. Doing it at instant speed is very strong. You can easily get an effect off of something like Elusive Spellfist or better yet Strongarm Monk.

7: Glint
I really like protection spells. Not only does this protect against removal, it protects your guy in combat by giving him a bigger butt when one is needed.

8: Contradict
I'm probably crazy for this one. But I really like counter magic if it replaces itself. With a ton of dragons running around a five cost counter is actually about 70-75% as good as a removal spell as the only cards your opponent will be casting when you are casting this is their big beefy closer. Aggressive red decks are real in the upcoming limited format though which is why this is so far down the list. It will also pump prowess and the pseudo-prowess guys an effect as well. I would play one but no more than that.

Blue is an interesting color that will fill a solid support role when paired with white or black. I personally would prefer the white version in most scenarios but UB is always a very strong combination of colors as well.

On to what may be my favorite color in the set: Black.

1: Death Wind
A premium removal spell that I must say gave me a headache in rating. The creatures are all at such a high level of power that I feel as though a removal spell that has the ability to take care of anything in the right circumstance is always going to be played. I mentioned that black may be my favorite color in the set and I believe all of the uncommon cards I have listed are insane. I'm not sure if this is number one or not but it certainly is in a tie for that spot if not.

2: Rakshasa Gravecrawler
This guy is insane. A 3/6 for five mana really isn't a terrible card in limited, especially in a grindy black deck. But this guy takes it even further by giving you an opportunity to trade a smaller creature in for two 2/2 zombie tokens, pretty good right? Now what if you are sacrificing Sultai Emissary and are getting three 2/2's out of the deal. That's pretty insane if you ask me.

3: Ultimate Price
I am torn on the power of this card in limited. A lot of the more powerful creatures you will want to kill are multi-colored but there is still a lot of good mono-colored creatures that warrant an answer. Ultimate Price can definitely be that answer.

4: Minister of Pain
This card is going to make combat math a mess. You have the ability to alpha strike with your team and after your opponent generally finds what they think are decent blocks you can finish off their more efficient creatures post combat. You can cast him pre-combat to give your opponent less incentive to block as well. Overall I am a fan but I think he wants to be played in the more aggressive black decks.

5: Foul Tongue Invocation
I really like this card but I feel it will be a little dead sometimes. You can't control what creature you're opponent sacrifices so it will lose value as the game goes on. I think this card will see constructed play in some amount as some form of edict effect has been missing from standard since rotation.

I really like all of the black uncommon cards listed here. Black really may be the best color in Dragons of Tarkir.

My Top 8 Commons
1: Silumgar Butcher
This guy is removal on a stick. As long as you can sacrifice a 2/2 or less or a guy with Pacifism on it you are in pretty good shape. If not you still can get pretty far ahead with guy. I am a really big fan of the Butcher.

2: Vulturous Aven
A 2/3 that has flying for four mana is a decent card (Alabaster Kirin) and while this may not have vigilance, it does have the ability to give you card advantage which is pretty powerful.

3: Flatten
Hello there Throttle's big brother. How ya doin?? I really like the Throttle and Lash of the Whip type cards but this one has a cost of only four mana which is a great change. You can play it as a way to push damage in the aggressive black decks or as good removal in a control deck.

4: Butcher's Glee
This card can be a blowout in a lot of situations. There are a lot of expensive spells in this format which makes me feel as though your opponent will tap out often. If you are already being aggressive and they are stabilizing you can clear their best blocker, save your guy, and gain some life. It may belong further down the list but I think I am a fan of this card.

5: Dutiful Attendant
I really enjoy gravedigger effects. I like the fact this guy is cheaper though it is a little frustrating that he has to die for you to get the effect. Regardless I would be happy to play with this card if I were playing black.

6: Foul-Tongue Shriek
This card is begging to be in an aggressive deck. You will definitely want 17+ creatures in your deck in order to play this as well. But when you do it will be very worth it. You can win a game without ever having to get a creature in a stalled game which is nothing to be overlooked when evaluating how you are going to approach a game when playing against black.

7: Coat with Venom
I really like pump spells, this one is guaranteed to get your target with the deathtouch clause printed on it and in those lucky cases you will be able to save a guy in the process.

8: Reckless Imp
I really like flying creatures, ones that can get in on the fly :) are really good. I think this card will play a big part in the aggressive black decks that I believe will exist.

All of the commons seem to play on the more powerful side of things which makes me very excited to get my hands on some of these this weekend.

That's all for today, I'll bring you red, green, multicolored cards on Friday. I look forward to playing against some of you this weekend!!